SEO of NRGCompliance
NRG Compliance is a Title 24 energy compliance services company in California USA. When we started work on NRG Compliance then it was already on the first page of Google for few keywords. But our task was to optimize the website for some new keywords as well as to improve the site’s ranking for those keywords which were on the 4th or 5th page of Google.
Now ranks on first page of Google, yahoo and MSN above its competitors. Some of the keywords are “title 24”, “energy compliance”, “cf-1r”, “california title 24” “title 24 service”, “title 24 report”, “title 24 calculations”, “title 24 software”, “title 24 Calcs”, “ca title 24”, “title 24 energy”, “compliance certificate”, “title 24 consultants” and lots of other.
What we did?
SEO Results